East Meets Streamup

It’s not often i wander over to Streamup, mainly because trying to find particular casts on there is like trying to find a clean patch on SexyChris’ duvet.

But what i noticed had changed, is that nearly every single broadcast that was live, was from what appeared to be East Asia.

Streamup chinese channels 1

Streamup chinese channels 2

Ok, so lets keep scrolling, bound to come to some US or UK casts soon??

Streamup chinese channels 3

Streamup chinese channels 4

Streamup chinese channels 5

Finally, came across a couple of Western channels, and spotted the Innuendotenerife cast.

Great, sure to see a lot of sexy women, dancing away on the holiday of their lives…


Oh…err, okayyyy

John eyes_99-165_2nd_optimized

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